Have questions about your job search? FlexJobs members have several great options for receiving career advice:

  1. Search our Job Search and Career Advice Q&A Library.
  2. Work one-on-one with a FlexJobs Career Coach.

Search Career Advice Q&A

One-on-One Personalized Career Coaching Services

FlexJobs offers expert career services at up to 35% off compared to other services to support you in your search for a remote or flexible job!

Career Coaching

$89 / One 30 min call

Connect with one of our career experts who can answer your questions, offer guidance, and help you get your job search on the right track.

Resume Review

$179 / One review & update

A FlexJobs career coach will take your existing resume and renovate it to ensure it is as effective as it can be!

Best Value! Award banner Career Coaching & Resume Review Bundle photo

Career Coaching & Resume Review Bundle

$239/One 30 min call &
one resume review

Connect with a FlexJobs career coach one-on-one and receive a professional resume review and revision.

Career Change Coaching

Two combined services to empower your career transition: a comprehensive self-assessment to clarify your career options and one-on-one action planning with your coach.

Best Value! Award banner

$149 / One career change self-assessment tool and one 30-minute call

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Mock Interviews

Partner with a FlexJobs career expert to practice your interviewing skills, gain confidence, calm your nerves and learn how to be as effective as possible during job interviews!

$89 / One 30 min mock interview

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